
Dairy Farm Automation Tag

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Dairy farmers are at higher risk of COVID-19? Pakistan being one of the largest producers of milk in the world, as the dairy sector making 11 percent of its GDP, the sector is in a dire situation due to COVID-19. But we all know that the...

Benefits of Mobile Milking Machines The milking process is the collection of milk from an animal by hand or by milking machine specially designed for it. The milking process through milking machines is divided into different steps. Such as, inspection and cleaning of teats, attachment of...

The modern dairy farming technology which makes farmer life easy and reduces the need for man labor. Automatic milking systems project; evaluating milking efficiency in conventional dairies; investigating individualized feeding; and the precision dairy project. In this world of technologies, dairy farm automation is the...

Cows comfort, health, and animal welfare is the basic thing which must be checked and maintained, which farmers and consumers are concerned a lot. Some practices are compared in large and small farms. Consumers and farmers both think that new technologies could be harmful to...

Machinery that is used in farming or for other agricultural needs is known as agricultural machinery. And new technologies used in farms are term as farm automation.  There are many types of machinery from hand to power tools, from tractors to numerous kinds of farming...